Friday, December 23, 2011

Coffee Cup Coozie

Personally Made Coffee Coozie by Me

It started as a hunt for fun little gifts that I could make my friends and family members for Christmas.  After several engaging hours on, I found a couple different crochet patterns for coffee coozies (and a slew of other things).  Well, pretty much everyone I know loves coffee so how could I go wrong with giving handmade coffee coozies?

I didn't finalize my decision until a trip to Walmart for other Christmas craft supplies (see snowman craft below) had me in the fabric and yarn section.  This beautiful teal yarn caught my eye and it was settled!

It was so easy to make, you should try it too! This cool blog is where I got the pattern from: Hip Chicks Craft Too Blogspot

The Walmart trip was originally intended to buy materials for this cutsie craft :)  It's a great classroom christmas craft for the older kids.
Sock Snowman - Love this Christmas craft!

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